My Phone Sex Hunger

Some of you know how it is to be addicted to sex; you crave it at certain times of the day, sometimes you wake up and the hunger is already there.  But I’ll let you in on a little secret… I have an addiction too.

Sometimes I’m sitting at home or at work and it just hits me.  It could come from seeing a sexy man, smelling the slightest scent of cologne, or maybe just while watching a gory movie.  It starts as a little itch, then it builds into a fever… a hunger that needs to be fed, a thirst that needs to be quenched.  I try to concentrate on other things but I fail.  I need to go out and hunt.

Of course I have those at my beck and call who know what I want and will donate their “fluids” at a moment’s notice, but usually I like the chase, the taste of fresh meat as it were.  I want to see the look of shock and surprise on their faces as I show my fangs or, for those with a low pain tolerance, a shiny blade.  How quickly the look changes into one of ecstasy as I start to feed!

I’d explain more now, but I’m getting the urge again…

Call to step into the dark side with me.  I promise you won’t regret it.

Vamp Temptress Sheyla



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